Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Amazonite


Amazonite is a light, aqua-green stone with white mottled flecks. The rock typically originates from the New England States and Colorado. It is composed of potassium feldspar, and is a green variety of microline. The name is derived from amazonstone, from the Amazon River. While amazonite is found in Brazil, it is not found by the Amazon River!

It is a sacred stone highly valued and used extensively by the ancient Egyptians. Amazonite is cooling and soothing to your mental state. This stone is important for healing and spiritual growth. It helps to align the heart and solar plexus chakras. It also aligns the etheric and mental bodies. As a thought amplifier, amazonite magnifies the consciousness stored in these chakras, especially the psychological attributes.

This pleasing, calming stone makes it easier for the life force to act as a bonding agent and this penetrates to the molecular level. It’s an enhancer for most other vibrational remedies. On the cellular level, the brain processes are stimulated. All the body energy currents are strengthened by amazonite.

SOURCE:  Truth about Crystal Healing, Phyllis Galde