Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Intelligence


1.  The rational and cognitive powers of mind. Intelligence is found in Hod as part of Ruach, the Conscious Self.

2.  An independent, non-human, entity capable of communication across space or dimension.

3.  1) The relative degree to which a living being can understand and process data. Some mistakenly associate intelligence with the amount of collected data itself. For example, some look at people who have acquired a great deal of trivia as being intelligent.

2) An entity that has the capacity to exhibit understanding and processing of data

3) Knowledge about the activities and thoughts of others, often that of enemies.

4) A term used to describe a non-physical entity. Such entities are said to usually exist in areas other than our physical plain. Communication with such intelligences is often desired by occultists because they are believed to have considerable power and are relatively benign.