1 sheet of white paper
1 yellow candle
Pen or pencil
On the paper, draw a personal "life map" with the date of your birth in the lower left-hand corner, the present date close to the center, and the goal most close to your heart in the upper right-hand corner. Then use the space between the present date and your goal to write in the steps necessary to achieve what you wish along with the realistic timeframes.
When you're satisfied with the map, place it in front of the candle. Light the candle, place your hands over the map, and say something like:
I call on You, Sage/Warrior Sun
To aid me 'til this goal is won
Lend strategy and common sense
Help me to see that which prevents
My goal from being manifest
And lend Your strength with every test
I must endure to reach my aim
Illuminate, please, with your flame
The most direct route to my goal
I conjure You unto this role:
To guide me 'til this goal is won
I call on You, Sage/Warrior Sun
Visualize yourself accomplishing the task outlined on the map, then leave the paper in front of the candle until the wick burns out. Hang the map in a spot where you'll see it every day.
Excerpted from Everyday Sun Magic by Dorothy Morrison