Celebrate New Growth Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Eucalyptus

Today is the first day of the Cerealia festival of ancient Rome, which celebrated the return of the six vegetative months. To do this yourself, fill several small clay or plastic pots with potting soil to about two-thirds full.

Hold a few tomato seeds in your hands. Pass your hands over a candle flame,

Fire for strength.

Breathe on the seeds, saying:

Air for strength.

Put your hands into a bowl of water, saying:

Water for strength.

Then place the seeds in the potting soil, saying:

Earth for strength.

Cover the seeds, water them, and place the pots in sunlight. In about four to six weeks, the seedlings will grow to about six inches in height-ready to transplant into your garden or into larger pots.

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