Home Protection and Removal of Negativity Spell

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Peony

If you are feeling too much negativity in your life now, inscribe the backs of four small mirrors with the runes eolh (z) and is (i). This will charge your mirrors to deflect negativity. You can invoke the divine protection of your magic mirrors whenever you need it. To effect this spell, place one mirror at each compass or directional point in your home with its reflective side facing outward. In a spray bottle, prepare a mixture of distilled water and small amounts of patchouli and lavender oils (five or six drops each). Now, extend your hands over the mixture, forming a magcial protective triangle with your thumbs and forefingers. Visualize a divine beam infusing this mixture with purifying and protective energy. Begin misting the air around the mirror you have placed at the northern point of the compass in your house. Continue misting while moving in a deosil direction toward each compass point until you have completed your circle of purification and protection.

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