Prosperity Spell for Coming Fall

Color of the day:  Turquoise
Incense of the day:  Dill

Today is a good day to meditate on what you want or need in the coming year. To do so, write your desires on dried bay leaves. Meditate on what needs to happen for each desire to manifest. Grind the bay leaves with a mortar and pestle, and add to an incense including rosemary, benzoin, blessed thistle, and nutmeg. Burn the incense while meditating on your desires. After the incense has burned out, write down your desires on nice stationary in the form of affirmations. Fold the paper and seal it with green wax. Keep it on your altar for the coming year. Once a month on the New Moon, open it and reexamine your desires and how you are achieving them. Always reseal it with green wax when you are done.

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