Stone Power Spell

To create a spell of power using stones, during the Full Moon place one adventurine, one carnelian, and one smoky quartz in a bowl of spring water and set outside so that the Moon is reflected in the water. Say these words: "Here on the day of Mars, in the hour of the Sun, I call down the Moon to charge and energize these stones!" With your wand in hand and arms upraised, dance around the bowl chanting repeatedly: "Power of Luna, Power of Sol, Power of Aries, Power I call!" When the energy level is highest, grasp the wand in both hands and point the wand at the bowl: "Empowered Be!" Drain the water into a jar and store for use as a power elixir. Remove the stones, wrap each in black cloth, and put away until you need an extra power kick in spells and charms.
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About Ann Moura
Ann Moura has been a practitioner of Green Witchcraft for over forty years. She holds both a BA and an MA in history. Moura lives in Florida, where she runs her own metaphysical store, presents public rituals, and teaches classes on the Craft. Visit her online at or at ...
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