POSTED UNDER Healing, Rain

Health and Vitality Spell

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Poplar

To create some extra vitality and promote good health as the weather begins to change for the dark of the year, cut a circle from a piece of white or yellow paper. Write on the paper the words Health and Vitality. Add any specific health issues you wish to deal with, and in the center of the paper place one bay leaf, a small amount of cinnamon, and three grains of rice. Fold the paper into a packet to hold the ingredients. Take the packet in hand for a moment and concentrate on your healing intentions, sending that energy into the package. Place the paper in a fireproof container, and light it on fire. As it burns, say:

Sacred fire,
I pray to thee,
Release all bonds
And set this free-
That health and vitality might come to me.

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