A Bittersweet Love Spell

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Cedar

Use woody nightshade, or bittersweet vine, to attract love today. Collect a sprig of bittersweet berries, one dried yarrow flower, and one blanched, crushed almond. Place these in the center of a piece of red fabric, and around them draw a heart. Tie up the bundle with three feet of pink ribbon. Lay the bundle on a table, grasp the ribbon, and slowly pull the bundle toward you, saying:

Bittersweet, yarrow, and almond dust, the love I want is coming to me.
This is a must!
When the bundle is in your hands, clutch it to your chest and whisper:
Bittersweet, yarrow, and almond ground fine, the love I want is mine.
Hide your bundle and tell no one.

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