POSTED UNDER Cat, Purification, Sun, AND MORE

Thanksgiving for the Souls of Animals Spell

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Sandalwood

Inuit hunters begin a five-day purification rite on December 10
for the souls of the animals they've killed that year. To pay thanksgiving to the food that has sustained you through the year, begin with a green altar cloth and two new candles, green and black. Place a cauldron in the center of the altar, and images of the animals and plants that make up your diet. Light the candles and visualize yourself as an animal. Recite this variation of The Song of Amergin:

I am a stag of seven tines,
I am a flood on a plain,
I am a wind on the deep waters,
I am a shining tear of the Sun,
I am a hawk on a cliff,
I am a salmon in the pool.
I am life,
I am death.
I am the universal soul.

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