POSTED UNDER Solstice, Summer, Sun, AND MORE

Yule and Solstice Ritual

Color of the day:  Lavender
Incense of the day:  Peony

The solstice is a time for gathering resources out from deep in the subconscious. Surround yourself with candles of red, green, and white, and evergreens and holly, as you say:

Longest night and shortest day,
Magic comes bright.
We gather now on this longest night,
Honoring darkness, praising light.
Dancers hail the
standing stones,
As growing solar light returns.
Ancient ones at Newgrange gathered,
Awaiting dawns first light.
Hidden tombs and
carvings old,
Illuminated by solstice
sunlight bright.
World round, grateful souls
Celebrate this night of returning light.
May we see this shaft of brilliance,
A sign of summer growing.
Cut the evergreen adornments,
And build the sacred fire to coax the Sun higher.
Yule log embers and torches bright,
Warm our dreams this magical night.
Memories and ancient secrets
Of the Druids come to me tonight.
May this increase my wisdom now,
The ancestors guide my spirit.
Magnifying brilliance and promises to come,
Spirals dance in solstice first light.
Visions planted, now on this night,
Grow strong and clear with the light.
Holly, mistletoe, ivy, pine,
Magic be, on this day.
So mote it be.

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