Divining Success Spell

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Geranium
Color of the day: Green
Incense of the day: Geranium

Not many people know that Abraham Lincoln was psychic. His wife held seances in the White House, but Lincoln himself did not need a seance in order to see ghosts. He reportedly saw wavering ghostly figures in mirrors, including the ghost of his deceased son and those of former inhabitants of the White House. He sometimes received psychic visions in dreams, and had one that foretold his own death just a few days before his assassination. Since Lincoln's death, many prominent people, including Teddy Roosevelt, have reported seeing Lincoln's ghost in the White House. Today, why not hold a Lincoln-era style seance? This works best with three or more people. Cover a table with a black cloth. Place a crystal ball in the center of the table. Display a picture of Mr. Lincoln if you wish. Participants should sit with each person's hands touching another's on the tabletop. Designate one person as medium. Decide as a group who you will try to contact. You may choose to contact Lincoln himself. The medium should have all participants take three deep breaths before calling on the spirit. Everyone should look intently into the crystal ball until someone sees or feels a presence. Good luck.
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