POSTED UNDER Beltane, Charm, Love

No More Pain in Love Spell

Color of the day:  Scarlet
Incense of the day:  Juniper
Color of the day: Scarlet
Incense of the day: Juniper

With Beltane fast approaching, you may want to make a charm against being hurt in love. Take
a piece of lavender or rose-colored cloth. Put a piece of malachite or jade in the center of the cloth. Add a pinch of lavender, a pinch of thyme, and a pinch of salt (preferably sea salt). Recite:

Keep my heart
free from pain.
Keep my soul
free from stain.

Then gather the ends of the cloth together in a bundle. Tie it tightly in red thread, and carry the bundle in your pocket or around your neck.
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