POSTED UNDER Moon, Prosperity, Rain

Harvest of Aspiration Spell

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Cedar
Color of the day: Gray
Incense of the day: Cedar

The second Full Moon that falls within a solar calendar month is often referred to as a Blue Moon.
This Moon is thought to be very strong in magic of prosperity and gain. Use berries to reflect on the harvest, both literal and metaphorical. Use grain or corn to reflect what you wish to harvest in the next year. Light a green candle behind the berries, and light a brown candle behind the grain or corn. Reflect on your accomplishments over the past year. Focus your reflections to the berries and the green candle. Project yourself into the year to come. What specific aspirations do you have for this next year? Write these aspirations down on paper. Focus the aspirations into the grain and the brown candle. Wrap the paper with some of the grain, and store it in a safe place. Take the berries and the remaining grain and place them on the ground. State these words: "Bountiful harvest, I reap from these seeds I sow."
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