Reflection Spell

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Patchouli
Color of the day: Brown
Incense of the day: Patchouli

We often don't really "see" ourselves. If we did, we would know that each of us has faults and traits we would improve if we knew about them. This spell is to help us understand our true self-our deepest desires, feelings, hopes, dreams, fears, and characteristics. To reflect on our lives and seek answers to our questions, gather a mirror and a number of candles. Create a sacred space, and calm yourself. Set the mirror, or several mirrors, in a place where you can comfortably see your reflection. Light candles all around you, and extinguish all other light sources. Face yourself without looking away. Talk to your reflection as you would another person. Look within. Write in your journal about "who you are" and "who you want to be." Be honest. In time, as you reflect, you will begin to understand yourself and your traits more clearly. Take action if change is desired.
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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=1550