Healing Breath Spell

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Parsley
Color of the day: Orange
Incense of the day: Parsley

Walk outside today, or open a window, so you can be in a place where the air is clean and clear. Prepare your sacred space by burning frankincense or myrrh-or a combination of both. Light a white candle, and circle it with gems that correspond with the Sun's glow. These include: amber, citrine, topaz, and pyrite. Face east and give thanks for the life-giving air. Concentrate on the miracle of breath. Imagine each time you inhale you are breathing in pure, golden, cleansing air, and when you exhale you are forcing impurities from your body. Draw in several deep breaths as you count to four, and fill your lungs to capacity. Hold the breath in for a four-count, and release it. Repeat and relax.
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