Honoring St. Expedite Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Lavender
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Lavender

My favorite saint is St. Expedite, who is especially popular in New Orleans. St. Expedite is the one to invoke when you need help in a hurry. His day is Thursday, his color is yellow, and he is magically
associated with the raven. Of course, if you keep getting into trouble and need help out of it because you refuse to learn from your mistakes, you will simply find the karmic return coming quicker and quicker each time you blow it. Ask for intervention from St. Expedite only when you've earned it. I like to keep a yellow jar candle with St. Expedite's image pasted on to it. When I need help, I light the candle, explain the situation, and ask him to guide me to the solution. If I want to give the energy an extra boost, I burn a magenta candle along with the yellow. I extinguish the candle at the end of the conversation, and I let the magenta candle burn out. Once I receive the assistance, I light the yellow candle again and say thank you. Then, I look for a way to pay it forward by performing a kindness for a stranger. It could be as simple as helping a mother get her stroller up the subway stairs or helping someone across the street. The important thing is that the help is genuine, and it is offered freely and without any expectations. I see something that needs to be done, I do it, and I continue on, without asking for anything in return. This keeps the energy flowing.
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