POSTED UNDER Charm, Protection

Martian Shield to Keep from Harm

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Evergreen
Color of the day: Red
Incense of the day: Evergreen

For this spell, you need the following materials: red cloth and ribbon; any combination of carnelian, bloodstone, ruby, garnet, jasper, and obsidian; a pinch of dried thyme; rose thorns; patchouli oil; and a red or white candle. Carve the protection symbol of your choice into the candle, and anoint it with oil. Combine the stones, herbs, and thorns, and wrap them in the cloth. Visualize being enclosed in a protective shield of white light as you prepare the amulet. Light the candle, and place the amulet nearby. Focus on the energy of the burning candle, and infuse the amulet with power. Allow the candle to burn completely, and carry the amulet with you for protection. Speak his charm when you need extra protection:

Mars, breathe your fire
into these stones and herbs.
Wrap me in the warmth of your protection.
Shield me from harm.
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