Roman Purification Spell

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Poplar
Color of the day: Gold
Incense of the day: Poplar

This date marks the Roman festivals of Parentalia and Feralia, a time for purification that will bring peace and love to the household. The goddesses to be honored now include Hestia, Brigid, and Freya. Sprinkle the floors with salt and rosemary, visualizing all discord and negativity being swept away. Burn scented white candles to purify the air and lend an aura of peace and contentment. It is also traditional not to wear any "badges of office" today, so try a day without your pentacle, magical jewelry, or other pagan finery, understanding that outward displays are much less important than what you carry inside. Wear white for simplicity. Place some rose quartz on the windowsill, to invite love in. Spend the day in calm reflection and be aware of the love, contentment, and peace that fills your life.
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