Rebuilding Your Energies Spell

Color of the day:  Lavender
Incense of the day:  Chrysanthemum
Color of the day: Lavender
Incense of the day: Chrysanthemum

As the New Moon grows now, it is a good time to strengthen the body and build up our reserves. The waxing Moon signals the time when the body starts to absorb nutrients more efficiently. Winter has perhaps found us neglecting our healthy eating and exercise habits. As the weather turns fair, exercise your body outdoors. Eat spring vegetables that are particularly health- giving: asparagus, fiddle-heads, greens, and lettuces. Culpeper and other herbalists believed spring greens such as dandelion, dock, nettles, chicory, and so on, were nature's best tonic- replenishing everything the body needs. Eat lightly and make sure your food is full of nutrients. Stick to salads and vegetables, fish and lean meats, whole grains, and fresh fruit. As you feed yourself these foods, think about how our bodies mirror the
seasonal changes around us. As the flowers bloom and fill the world with color, picture your own vitality increasing. In a few weeks, your winter sluggishness will be gone, you'll shed a few pounds, and you will feel vibrant and alive for the up-coming summer.
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