POSTED UNDER Love, Success, Water

A Spell for Releasing Outcomes

Sometimes we are so worried about the outcome of an event that we tense up and close our minds to success. We sabotage the very result we seek. Try this spell for letting go of expectations. First, gather some rocks to hold in each hand-either two large stones or two handfuls of gravel. Then, chant to yourself:
Blessed be the powers above.
Let me know your trust and love.
I know what will be, will be,
And I trust you'll take care of me.
As you speak, clench your fists around the rocks, then open your hands. Imagine letting go of your needs and fears as the stones drop. Wash your hands in running water, and say the rhyme once more.
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About Amber K
Amber K is a third degree priestess of the Wiccan faith. She was initiated at the Temple of the Pagan Way in Chicago and served on the Council of Elders there. Her books on magick and the Craft have been widely circulated in the United States and Europe, and for nearly 25 years she has traveled ...
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