Father, Hunter, Magician, Warrior, Sage Spell

Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Parsley
Color of the day: Amber
Incense of the day: Parsley

Thanks to the greeting card industry, we have a day for just about everyone except plumbers and brain surgeons. In June, we set aside a Sunday to be Dad's special day, during which he can eat junk foods and watch whatever junk he wants on TV. He would probably rather do this on Super Bowl Sunday, but, hey, you take what you can get. Anything is better than another tie. Unlike the virgin, mother, and crone archetypes we assign to female deities and heroines, it's not quite as easy to differentiate between the male archetypes. Yet they are all embodied in one's father. After he eats the meal he has requested for himself, keep him seated at the table. Allow all others who are present to bless the father figure in your house. Allow someone to set a crown on his head to honor the king in him. Someone else may hand him a knife, the symbol of the hunter, to honor him for the food he helps provide for his family. A certificate of honor can be made to pay homage to his wisdom, and a pair of running shoes can symbolize the warrior who goes to battle each day out in the big, bad world. Before you close this circle at your table it's nice to offer a simple blessing in unison:

Father, hunter,
Warrior, king,
You are all that,
And many other things.
Today is yours,
And we depart,
But every day,
You're king in our hearts.
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