Freedom from Fear Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Myrrh
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Myrrh

The twenty-first century is turning out to be much more than a just a number. While our European allies have been dealing with terrorism for decades, we Americans thought the anger and hatred of reactionaries and fundamentalists would never touch our lives. English folklore includes two war legends, probably based on true events, that we can draw on a magical people to help affect a dangerous world for the better. The legends claim that England's Witches and Druids stirred up the massive storm that wrecked the dreaded Spanish Armada in 1588, and then turned back a planned invasion by the Nazis in 1940. We can gather, raise power, and send out magic to let the world know that the United States and our allies will not live in fear. To do this, gather as many other Pagans as you can find. If you're a solitary you can still do this alone. Go outside if you can, and sit on the ground of your own homeland. Raise an impenetrable curtain of safety surrounding the coastlines and borders of your nation. Feel the strength of the cone of power rising around you. When it has reached its peak, release it into the imagery your mind created.
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