POSTED UNDER Garden, Summer, Sun

Summer Song Spell

Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Poplar
Color of the day: Amber
Incense of the day: Poplar

Where has the summer gone? It seems like it was just the other day that I prepared my garden for planting. Let the following meditation fill you with summer's joy, even as you are aware of its inevitable ending. Take time to think where your life is going.

I am life force at its peak,
I am what you seek.
My days of the seasoning are here.
I will sustain you through the coming year.
You trusted me with your crops to raise,
Now they stand tall in the sunny haze.
I color the corn yellow in the field,
I swell the orchard's yield.
The ripening days have come.
Sing with me as I sing summer's song.
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