A Child’s New School Ritual

Color of the day:  Lavender
Incense of the day:  Rose
Color of the day: Lavender
Incense of the day: Rose

If your child is anxious about the coming school year, try this spell with him or her. You will need a yellow candle, some ocean sand, a quartz crystal, and five pink stones. Find a safe space for the candle to burn once it is lit. Pour the sand into a glass container, and anchor the candle. Place the crystal point up in the sand in front of the candle. Arrange the five stones around the outside of the glass container. Have your child spend a few moments visualizing doing well in school, getting along with the kids and teachers, or specifically focusing on something her or she is having difficulties with. Let the child light the candle, helping younger children if necessary. Leave the candle to burn for a half hour, then allow the child to blow it out while picturing his or her problems leaving with the candle's smoke. This spell can be repeated.
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