Computer Guardian Spell

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Jasmine
Color of the day: Blue
Incense of the day: Jasmine

Many of us are more than a little lost without our trusty old computers, myself included. With the usual precautions of battery backups, surge protectors, and virus protection, this spell creates a helpful metaphysical guardian to keep watch over your computer. You will need a small air fern, available in many garden centers, and a red and a yellow candle. Place the plant between the two lit candles, and while reciting the chant below charge the plant watching over your computer and all of its paraphernalia.

Mercury, Mercury,
Hear my plea.
Guard my computer both night and day,
While I am here and while I'm away.

Keep the plant in your work area near your computer. The lovely thing about an air fern is that it will grow in just about any kind of light and doesn't require watering. Mist it every so often, and it will be fine.
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