POSTED UNDER Healing, Love, Prosperity

Key Ring of Protection

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Pine
Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Pine

Let yourself dance to music as you weave today's spell. Pick a tune to suit your mood. Arrange to have it play over and over. As it plays, dance. Dance with your body, but dance also with your mind and heart, and soul. Dance until you feel as one with the music. Gradually, instead of being led by the music and just following along, begin to consciously weave a dancing spell of your own devising. Many legends tell of the gods dancing the world into creation. You can dance something into creation. Dance for love. Dance for prosperity. Dance for healing. Dance as you are led to dance, but dance proactively not just reactively. When your dance is complete, stop and place your hands on the floor to thank it for giving support for your dance.
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