Remember Justice Spell

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Parsley
Color of the day: Coral
Incense of the day: Parsley

This is the day the Fourteenth Amendment was enacted. This amendment promises equal protection and due process of the law. Some-times equal protection and justice, though promised, is not granted, so we need extra help from the domain of the spirit. This is a great time to engage the herb beloved by Hoodoos called Little John. Little John (Alpina galanga), also called galangal, is the herbal friend to fairness and justice in legal proceedings. Here are a few ways Little John can be used as a chew or charm in spell work. Put a cleaned piece of Little John into your mouth. Chew it until soft. Try not to swallow. If you are supporting a court case or are on trial, spit the Little John fluid outside the courthouse. If you want good outcomes to legal proceedings by mail, spit the Little John juice near your post box. If you want a lawsuit you've been informed of by mail to end peacefully, spit on the envelope and bury it at the crossroads or on your personal property. To influence the court in a generally positive way, keep Little John on your person inside a red mojo bag, along with some calendula flowers, deer's tongue, and oregano.
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About Stephanie Rose Bird
Priestess Stephanie Rose Bird is a painter and the author of several bestselling books on earth spirituality, Hoodoo, and anthropology, including Sticks, Stones, Roots and Bones, 365 Days of Hoodoo, Light, Bright and Damned Near White, and African American Magick. Priestess Bird, who holds a BFA ...
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