Middle Way Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Frankincense
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Frankincense

Kabalists tell us to find the middle way between mercy and severity. Mercy, out of balance, is weak and allows evil to flourish. Severity, out of balance, is harsh, often doing great injury. They advise finding the middle way. This middle way in tarot is symbolized by the tarot card Justice, which is assigned to Libra. Place three candles on your altar. If possible, have one white, one black, and one gray. Place the gray candle in the middle. Light the white candle and pass your right hand through the flame, saying: "I embrace mercy. I show compassion and charity to the world." Light the black candle and pass your hand through the flame, saying: "I embrace severity. I show firmness and stability to others." Light the gray candle and pass your hand through the flame, saying: "I temper mercy with severity. I temper severity with mercy. I walk the middle path."
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