POSTED UNDER Garden, Home, Wind

Make a Witch Ball Spell

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Neroli
Color of the day: Black
Incense of the day: Neroli

Years ago Witch balls hung in the windows of many homes. These were glass balls similar to the gazing balls you see today in many gardens. The purpose of these balls was to repel the evil eye. Here's how you can make your own. Purchase clear glass or plastic Christmas ornaments from a craft store, along with bottles of liquid gold and silver metallic craft paints. You can also purchase other colors of paint-it's up to you. Next, remove the wire loop at the top of the ornament. Squeeze small amounts of the paint on to the ornament, in pleasing combinations of colors. Swirl the ornament around, so the paints blend and coat the interior of the ornament. Leave it to dry overnight. On the next day, replace the wire loops at the top of the ornament and charge it with your magical intent. Hang it with a pretty cord in your window or on a holiday tree. The pattern made by the paints will trap and hold any negative energy.
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