POSTED UNDER Blessing, Home, Moon, AND MORE

Night Blooming Bouquet Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Coriander
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Coriander

As you go about your esbat celebrations, don't forget to bring the blessings of the Full Moon inside your home. Fill a white or crystal vase with fresh water and add a moonstone and a quartz crystal. Finish filling the vase with primrose blossoms, jasmine flowers, four o' clocks, and nicotiana blooms. Fern fronds, hosta leaves, and Queen Anne's lace add the perfect finishing touch. Before you take the vase inside, enchant it by the light of the Moon. Say:

Beauty by night
To please my sight;
Divine, fragrant blooms To scent my rooms.
I ask the Lady's blessings she will bestow
To wherever this vase may go.

Chant the verse at least nine times. Place the flowers anywhere you desire, knowing that blessings will follow. Once the blooms are spent, save the petals for potpourri. To renew the scent, add fresh flowers. You may use this potpourri as a base for any type of blessing spell. Additional flowers, crystals, or herbs can be blended in according to intent. This potpourri can be simmered or simply placed in an open container. As long as the petals remain, the Lady's blessings and the Full Moon's power will flow through your home.
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