POSTED UNDER Summer, Winter

Winter's Day Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Basil
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Basil

The Romans celebrated today as Winter's Day. All summer activities ended on this day as the Romans prepared for winter. Light a white candle and burn a stick of lavender incense. Spend as much of the day as possible cleaning closets, storing summer clothes, stacking firewood-whatever tasks you undertake to ready yourself for the winter season. Perform these tasks with mindfulness and joy. To celebrate the coming of winter, build a fire tonight. Looking into the flames, say:

Winter's day,
Winter's night,
Blazing fire,
shining bright,
Give me now
the second sight.

Images may appear within the flames or in the burning embers beneath them. Reflect on how these images may guide you in your efforts this season.
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