Shopping-Spree Spell

Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Dill
Color of the day: Topaz
Incense of the day: Dill

Place a ten-dollar bill on the desk or table where you keep your bills. Fold the bill in half and place a magnifying glass on top of the bill. See how large the bill becomes under the glass. Now think of how valuable the large bill can be. Leave the bill under the magnifying glass for three days, and each morning and evening say the following:

Goddesses of fertility, come with me on my shopping spree.
Guide my steps to
bargains plenty; make my ten dollars spend
like twenty.
Let my wishes so
prevail, that I find everything on sale!

Take the bill with you when you go shopping, and be sure to watch for the signs that the goddesses have heard your petition.
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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=3166