POSTED UNDER Love, Prosperity, Rain

Spell for Committed Relationships

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Almond
Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Almond

St. Hilary was said to have been a happily married man, and his feast day marks the traditional beginning of the wedding season. Using St. Hilary's energies and traditional wedding symbols, this spell will help bring more intimacy and commitment into your relationship. Writing has a way of focusing one's thoughts, so begin the spell by making four lists. On your first list, write down the qualities in your mate that contribute to feelings of intimacy the two of you already share. Now, write on your second list whatever is missing in your relationship. On your third list, write down the qualities you bring to the relationship, and on the fourth list write any actions you could take to deepen your relationship. Fold your lists in half, tie them with a blue bow, and slip them in the toe of one of your shoes. Add several grains of rice for fertility, a penny for prosperity, and a ring for eternal love. Place the shoe under the bed on your partner's side. If you don't have a partner and desire one, place the shoe under your altar.
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