A Merry Unbirthday

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Narcissus
Color of the day: Gray
Incense of the day: Narcissus

We've all had that one monumental bad day that we look back on with a feeling of hurt, frustration, or sorrow. Sometimes it's getting fired on your birthday, or your anniversary being forgotten. Sometimes it's tragedies coinciding with a major event. In life, there is no turning back time or re-doing. However, we can give ourselves special days that are special only because we declare them so. In Alice in Wonderland, Alice came upon an "unbirthday" party where it was not anyone's birthday at all, yet the day merited tea, cakes, and celebration. Take today, or a day when you have time to yourself, and declare it an "unbirthday." Dress nicely, and take yourself to dinner, a movie, a museum, or to some other place that interests you. Take someone with you, or not. Make it a point to try something new that you've been curious about for ages. Enjoy your day.
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