The Beauty Meditation

Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Rose
Color of the day: Ivory
Incense of the day: Rosemary

We are most beautiful when we are happy. Light a pink candle and burn lilac incense. Take a deep breath and go into a meditative state. You are standing in your favorite place in the world. You look around and breathe in all that makes you so happy. Breathe in the harmony and rhythm of that place. As you come to feel the heartbeat of that place, smile. And as you smile, you notice a bright beautiful light close by you. The light approaches you and surrounds you. You feel stillness, joy, and gladness there in the middle of that light. As you breathe in, the light moves inside you. Continue to stay with that light until you feel it's time to leave. Whisper your thanks and allow the images to recede. Come back to your space and the here and now. Whenever you want to feel beautiful, visualize that bright light surrounding you and smile!
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