Peach Wood Prayer Stick

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Geranium
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Geranium

Peach wood has many magical uses. It has been valued in Asia for its ability to repel negativity and to make magic wands. This spell uses peach wood to create a prayer or spell stick. August, when peaches are in season, would be a perfect time to do this. Obtain a slender branch from a peach tree (this may be deadfall or removed in a respectful manner). When the Moon is in a waxing phase, pray over it and carve your initials into it. Think of your magical purpose, then hide the stick until the Full Moon. At this time, cleanse the stick in the smoke of a protective herbal incense such as sage. Your peach spell stick is ready to use. Include your peach stick in any spell by holding it as you speak a charm, or use it to direct power to a specific location. Peach wood is especially good for love, fertility, or good luck spells.
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