A Breath of Fresh Air Spell

Color of the day:  Turquoise
Incense of the day:  Carnation
Color of the day: Turquoise
Incense of the day: Carnation

To cleanse yourself or a space and to bring a fresh perspective, perform this spell to bring relief from the "same old, same old." You will need a fresh lemon, a knife, a shallow bowl, and a fan. This will work to clear your brain and aura, or you can do it to clear the energy in your living and working space. Burn incense with mint in it and light a white candle. Cut the lemon into fourths and squeeze the juice into the bowl. Sprinkle some drops of lemon juice around you or in the space you wish to freshen, breathing deeply of the scent. Hold the bowl up while fanning the cleaning power of lemon juice around you, and envision everything taking on a fresh, clear glow. Chant, "Clear awareness everywhere, sparkle and freshness in the air." Afterward, make the remaining juice into lemonade, drinking mindfully, imbibing the sweetness of a new vision.
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