A New Chance at Freedom Spell

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Cedar
Color of the day: Gray
Incense of the day: Cedar

Bona Dea was a Roman goddess exclusive to women. She was prayed to by slaves seeking freedom and by women who needed aid in health matters. Make a paper chain out of construction paper. Place it around an object you wish to be free of, such as a bad relationship or a job (a picture of where you work, or of the person you wish to be free of, will suffice). Around the chain of paper, fix an altar with a variety of food, and wine with two glasses. Take some deep breaths and center yourself and chant:

Bona Dea, free me,
From this [object],
Release me.
Bona Dea, free me
From these chains
That hold me.
Bona Dea, free me,
So that I can be me.

Take the chain in your hand and break it into pieces. Rip the picture into pieces as well. Now sweep these into the fire, sit down and eat. Pour the wine and invite the good goddess, making sure to toast her and your newfound freedom.
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