POSTED UNDER Bath, Healing, Moon, AND MORE

Bath Time Spellcraft

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Marjoram
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Marjoram

Both the Sun and the Moon are in Pisces today, which is the ultimate water sign in my opinion! Why not take a magical bath? Baths are both physically and spiritually cleansing, and are essential for any Witch or magician. Bathing is purifying on many levels, and the ritual of bathing can quite easily become a magical act. This evening, plan to take a magical bath. Take time to gather certain salts, oils, and herbs (perhaps put these in a muslin bag) to add to the bathwater. You may wish to choose a natural food coloring to add to the water, or use "Colour Bath," which is sold in many metaphysical stores. Choose some candles, the colors of which should be aligned with your metaphysical purpose for the ritual. Choose also some incense that is spiritually aligned. As you lay down in the warm water, say something like: "I now enter the warm and cleansing womb of the Great Goddess. I enter sacred space to purify my body and mind." Follow this with a ritual, meditation, or resonating chant. You may wish to call upon spirits of healing, connect to the undines, or cleanse and realign your chakras.

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