New Moon Wishes

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Hyacinth
Color of the day: Orange
Incense of the day: Hyacinth

The New Moon is a good time for making wishes that can come true within two weeks. For this spell, you need pen and paper, a small fireproof bowl, and a white or silver Moon candle. Begin your spell on the night of the New Moon. Light the candle. Take some time to meditate on what you want. Describe your wish in a single sentence. Write that sentence on a slip of paper, saying:
This is my wish. This is my will. Magic come forth-my wish fulfill!
Fold the paper toward you, creasing it in half; turn it to the side and fold toward you again, creasing it in quarters. Touch the paper to the candle flame and quickly say:

As the flame burns, my light shines through. As the Moon turns, my wish comes true!

Drop the paper into the bowl, letting it burn out. Extinguish the candle, but leave it on your altar. Repeat every night of the waxing Moon. At the Full Moon, revise the final verse:

Light of the Moon so strong and chill, I thank you for working my will.
Allow the candle to burn out.
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