POSTED UNDER Earth, Family, Love, AND MORE

Celebrate the Green Earth Spell

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Almond
Color of the day: Gold
Incense of the day: Almond

At no other time during the year is the Earth so lush. Tree branches that were in bud a few weeks ago are now covered with a canopy of green, city parks and country meadows are covered in shimmering green carpets, and the mornings are alive with the chorus of birdsong. This spell will let you become one with the greening Earth. Take time to plant just one plant if possible. It could be an herb, a houseplant, or even a tree. Before you begin, write a wish on a small piece of paper about something you want to see grow in your life. It could be more family time, love, prosperity, anything. Place your wish in the bottom of the planting hole. As you water and nourish your new plant, see your wish becoming closer to reality. Your spell is alive like the Earth itself.
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