
Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Rose
Color of the day: Pink
Incense of the day: Rose

Would you just like to meet a new friend? Use this spell to create a meetingit's important not to have anyone specific in mind, just the right person. It could be someone from your past or someone new, but the point is to make a new friend, to bring someone into your life with qualities that will benefit each of you. Gather a handful of stones of any kind. Put them in a bowl and then close your eyes and select one at random. As you're making your choice, say these words:

If there is someone I should greet,
Allow us to find ways to meet.
For the benefit of everyone,
As I will so it be done.

Carry the stone with you until someone new has come into your life.

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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=3738