Color of the day: Brown Incense of the day: Lavender Color of the day: Brown Incense of the day: Lavender On a long piece of white cloth, write out the known names of your female ancestry. Begin with the oldest members that you know. After each name, tie a knot in the cloth as you speak to your ancestor as if she were present. Tell her what you know of her life; if you know nothing, appeal to her spirit to guide you toward a greater understanding of your own heritage. Once all of the known names are positioned, tie two final knots on either end to seal the cloth. Wrap this around your waist until the ends meet, and comfortably tie them together and trim off any excess. Belts like this offer a great link with lost loved ones. The amount of memory and energy we put into our ancestors greatly determines how much comfort and support they can offer us in times of need. Embroidering and quilting are both crafts that help us to document ancestry, and self-decorated belts can serve us in the same way. Because they wrap around our midsection, belts have clear connotations with matrilineal ideals. Use the following chant to seal the energies into your ancestral belt: Blood and bone, Life and home, Family is all fortune. |