Banish the Bothersome

Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Eucalyptus
Color of the day: Amber
Incense of the day: Eucalyptus

This is an ethical way to get rid of people in your life whom you need to have gone, such as a schoolmate who teases you all the time or an annoying co-worker. Find a dead leaf, one that is perfect, without any part missing or torn. Write the person's name on the leaf with a permanent pen or marker. Go to a stream or river that flows fast. Stand on a bridge, if possible; a place on the bank can work if the water flows fast and deep at that spot. Focus your energy and imagine the person going away from you, transferring to another school or job, moving to another town. With the leaf in your left hand, recite "Goddess, bless and keep _______ far away from me!" Fling the leaf into the water. Turn around and walk away without looking back.
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