POSTED UNDER Air, Earth, Water

Secret-Keeping Spell

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Alder
Gossip is powerful energy, and it's hard to resist spreading a good story. To keep your counsel and the secrets of those who trust you, make a sachet of lavender, rose, and juniper. Take the sachet to your altar and present it to the elements and the Spirit.
By the power of air, protect the knowledge I keep;
By the power of fire, give me the will to resist disclosure;
By the power of water, wash away exposure;
By the power of earth, give me the power to keep silent.
By the spirit of all I hold dear, as I will it, please make it so.
Place the sachet in a pouch and tuck it wherever you might need its support. Breathe the scent whenever you need to reinvigorate your promises.
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