POSTED UNDER Blessing, Passion

Compassionate New Moon Spell

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Lily
Perform this spell if you'd like to stimulate balance in your life and become a kinder, more compassionate person. It is best to cast a circle. You'll need a flowing white outfit, a small hand mirror, rose incense, one black candle, and one white candle. In your flowing white outfit, light the incense and set the items on your altar. Place the two candles a hand's space apart, with the black one on your left and the white one on your right. Light the wicks of the two candles and hold the mirror up to your face. Say this incantation to your reflection: "I seek to be compassionate and loving, balanced and harmonious." Put the mirror down between the two candles and stand. Hold your arms up high with palms facing the sky and say:
Oh ancient ones
I take within me your many blessings.
Guide me on this path
Help me achieve my perfect balance!
To finish the spell, hold the black candle and walk counterclockwise within your circle. When you return to your altar, pick up the white candle and walk clockwise within sacred space. Now, meditate or write in your Book of Shadows.
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