A Candlelight Divination

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Vanilla
Tonight the New Moon of January forms a frosty crescent on an ebony sky spangled with starlight. The shadows of the night lie deep, and snow crunches underfoot. Tonight is a perfect time to tap into the power of the New Moon and scry into a candle flame to foretell your future. When the New Moon rides high, light a silver candle and concentrate on one question you'd like answered. Gaze intently at the flame and feel the energy of the New Moon surrounding you, drawing the answer to you. As you scry, speak this charm:
Lady Luna, as you increase in light,
Bring my answer into sight.
Let the visions you see in the flame come and go freely. Close the ritual by snuffing out the flame and moving the candle to a window where the moonlight can shine on it. You may repeat this ritual every night until you see your answer in the candlelight. When the question is answered, ask another on a different night. As the Moon increases in size, your visions may become stronger. During this process you can expect to have some prophetic dreams.
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