Daily Exercise

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Pine
Magic is a force that flows through the world, pooling in certain places and objects. People have varying levels of affinity for it. Whatever your current level, you can increase it with regular exercise.
The practice of witchcraft is not just about big spells and seasonal rituals. It relies at heart on the exercise of basic skills. A few minutes of meditation and energy manipulation every day will make for better progress than an hour-long ritual once a month. Each day, hold one of your magical tools and concentrate on sensing its stored power. Add energy to its reservoir if you have some to spare. Here is a daily blessing to say during your magical exercise:
Power is the tinder,
Magic is the spark.
Spinning from the center,
Spanning light and dark.
Circle is the cauldron,
Sacred to Her name.
Witchcraft is the fire,
And I am the flame.

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