POSTED UNDER Earth, Healing, Love, AND MORE

A Spell to Heal Anothe

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Lavender
Cinco de Mayo

Use the waning power of the Moon to banish disease and pain from a loved one today. Create an image of the person needing healing with cloth, clay, or paper. The closer it looks to the actual person, the better. Get that person's signature and add it to the image, energetically linking the two. In your ritual space, use your breath to cleanse and charge the image with your intention. Place a needle in the afflicted area of the body and chant something like:
You are whole
You are healthy
You are well
As you chant, visualize the person's affliction becoming smaller and smaller until it disappears. Allow the pin to be a place of focus to direct the energy. When the spell is complete, hide the image in a dark place. Once the person is completely healed, bury the image in the earth.

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